
fluffy bunny adventures


Parco dell'Etna

From the hills of Taormina, we could see the snowy peak of Mount Etna, one of the most active volcanoes in the world. We set out to explore this intriguing natural wonder. From Catania, we joined a guided tour that took us up to 2100 m (of a total of 3326 m) to walk through the versatile landscape: forest, black sand, islands of trees, rocks, and even a cave. Several points along the hike allowed us to see the main crater puff out ash and smoke.

Across a valley of solidified lava, we shouted "Etna!" to hear the echoes of our voices. A moment later, Etna answered. It sounded like a distant thunder.

(C) 2020-2022 David Dasenbrook. contact: info at beamtime dot net.